Team organization
When I saw this prompt for team organization and success, there was one specific team that I was a part of that came immediately to mind. In high school, I was part of a choir that achieved an immense amount of success due to the leadership and organization of our directors. As described by Bolman and Deal in chapter 5 of the textbook, our choir ran under dual authority, although selection was not democratic and our choir director had been tenured at our high school for 25 years. Our main choir director, Mrs. Tobison, had the final word on all matters but we also had an assistant director that worked under Mrs Tobison and influenced the decisions the choir made. Mrs. Tobison handled the chamber choir, which was also our competition choir, and the select ensemble women’s choir, while Mrs Spurling handled the freshmen and sophomore choir and the all girl freshmen choir. In terms of logistics, Mrs. Tobison arranged all of our concerts, picked our music, ran rehearsals, and acted as t...